Keepers Transformation House Stories
“Just being here, and with each class that we have, its just very helpful and healing. It is true about the whole and healing going on. Past and present experiences of trauma I have been able to heal from everything. And like I have said before just seeing the progress of all the other ladies is a blessing and its an honor to be next to them and just growing together and getting closer to God.”
“Even though it was unfortunate reasons I thank God for bringing me here to KTH. My sister found out about the program and its been the best life changing experience. … Every person that is involved with the program is very loving and kind and just genuine and just I love all of you guys.”
“For us to embrace the love He has for us is the best thing that they could ever do. There is nothing to fear coming into here. I was more fearful out there in the world with my habits and life style and the ways that I was stuck in rather than coming here. Its the best thing any women could do for herself.”
“If it were not for the voice of Jesus Christ I would have laid there and died, but because of him I was able to pick myself up and make it to a safe place which is Keepers of the Cross Transformation House. This is where I belong and I don’t ever want to leave.”
“I have no more anger, I have no more hate. I have nothing but peace love compassion and everything nice. I don’t have to live that way anymore, I don’t like that life and I’m here to please my God and I am doing that the best way I know how.”
“I have been to over 28 drug programs from LA County to Kern County over the course of my life. I can tell you that Keepers Transformation House is hands down the only program that I have ever seen where every staff member does the work of their position from the beat of their hearts with so much compassion and kindness. There’s no 12-step program, no institution, to attempts through mind over matter, that can hold a candle to the healing and victories and help that I have received at Keepers Transformation house.”
“I came into the program feeling so lost and I was shown the way. I came in broken and now I feel whole. Where I once felt worthless I now know that I am more precious than jewels. Where I felt like i couldn’t go on my strength has been renewed. And I have been spiritually brought back to life. There is a genuine joy and goodness inside of me that was dormant from childhood and has been awakened.”
“Being at KTH, I am spoiled rotten. This place has helped me fix my relationship with my mother and my family.”
“I was lost before I got here to KTH. … I didn’t like to hear the truth about myself because I was in denial, but now I know the true of who I am and now I feel I really serve a purpose, no lie. I know that this is just the beginning, but this is huge. I know there is more to come after this, and I am ready to become who I am supposed to become.”
“I can say today, I don’t want to die no more. I want to live. I want to live for God.”
“I’m a runner, God said be still and know that I am God. And I had to trust him. And I have been trusting him ever since. I ain’t saying I ain’t tried to run or thought about running, but I cant. I promised God I would give him this year and there after.”
“Not only is this a transformation house, but its all faith based. I have learned to know God, and its amazing.
“I believed for so long so negatively that ‘oh if God was real’ but I had a terrible mindset. I was living in the flesh. … then learning how to utilize what I was given by God, I was just God smack. Just wake up time. I just cant wait that futuristically I’ll prove so many people wrong. They say when you are an alcoholic you are always and alcoholic. Pfff, not when God’s got your back!”
“The only great thing that came from my addiction is this transformation. Now I’m just this loved, unique, chosen child of God with so many gifts to give instead of take.”
“You have got to want it number one. … Ask for help. Lean on others. Let go of your past. Let go of the people in your past, let go of the places in your past. If they aren’t helping you, you cant help yourself.”
“I would classify myself as a functioning alcoholic. I had a job, a home, a car, my children were fed, I had clothes, I didn’t go without. … Most people would say I was a rich girl, a prep-y girl, or spoiled, and I got away with it. But inside it was killing me. … I was living a lie.”