Vision & Mission

Keepers Transformation House is a 27 bed, Christ centered, women's discipleship home in the heart of Oildale.  KTH offers a 1st year discipleship program with 12 beds, 2nd year transitional living program with 9 beds and a 6 bed women's crisis shelter.


Our Vision

To cultivate a healthy community that replaces the culture of brokenness and addiction in Oildale with Christ centered living.

Our Mission

To restore and empower women in crisis to a dignified and purposeful life in Christ through a systematic, faith driven, recovery and training program.

Operating Principles

Assist and guide individuals through a systematic program designed to encourage them to know God, grow together, and go serve, utilizing Christian values and beliefs.


 Our Core Values

Live a Life in Christ, Worship, Service and Community


Identity in Christ

Our goal is to restore identity in Christ and equip individuals to live a life honoring Jesus. With your identity firmly in Christ, you come to believe, belong, and become! With Christ living in us we have new life, a new heart and a new spiritual authority.


Service is the act of serving others rather than ourselves with a willing heart, motivated by our redemption in Christ.  God calls his people to serve like Jesus served, to bring hands and feet to God's holy love. (Luke 10:27, Mark 10:45)


The essential element for a believer’s life. Prayer provides an individual’s spiritual roadmap and fellowship with the Creator, thus presenting a path congruent with the Christian faith that is to be pursued throughout one’s life. (Deuteronomy 6:5, John 4:24)


We function as one body with many members for the advancement of the gospel and to support each other as the Body of Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:12-13)


Our Team

JP and Kevin looking at KTH Ceiling.jpg

Melissa Mayall

Program Manager

Heidi Adams

Program Director

J’resah keeney

Program Manager

Pastor Kevin Freeman

Executive Director

Heather Mallory

Program Assistant

 J.P. & Ingrid Lake


Bella Adams

Marketing & Webpage



 KTH Past Events


2024 Fundraiser

 Graduations 2024

  1st Annual Golf Tournament

 2023 Fundraiser

 2022 Fundraiser

 New Milestones Celebrated…

 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

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