My stay at Keepers Transformation House has truly been transforming just like it states in its name. For the first time in my life, I am being taught things that have lifelong and eternal value. I've learned so much since I've been at KTH, from the amazing curriculum including Biblical practices, life skills parenting, community service, and social communication, to discovering my new identity rooted in Christ. I am a mother of five beautiful children and have a career background in medical assisting. Despite my achievements, due to poor choices, I realize now that had I not struggled with the adversities that led me here, I still desperately needed to build a true foundation for my life in Christ and to find my life’s true meaning. The people who dedicate themselves to operating this program all do it with the beat of their hearts and have become closer than any family members I've ever known. I am loved by them, and forever grateful for their presence in my life. They build me up and encourage me, correct me when I'm at fault, and lead me when I feel lost.
But most of all, they believe in me.